Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Kindle Matchbook and Inner Vision Press

All Inner Vision Press titles are now enrolled in the Kindle Matchbook program, which means that if you purchased an Inner Vision Press PRINTED book on Amazon, anywhere (or have recently purchased a PRINTED Inner Vision Press title on Amazon), you can now purchase the Kindle version for your e-reader for the price of only $1.99 USD - that is greater than 50% discount on the Kindle book price, which is already greatly reduced from the printed title list price! 

Check out my book "Enlightenment for Beginners" on Amazon Kindle, purchase the printed book and you can have the Kindle download for only $1.99 extra. The same goes for ALL Inner Vision Press book titles.

The Inner Vision Press 'Kindle Matchbook' program will come into full effect within the next 12 hours.... for more information, visit this link:


Monday, 14 October 2013

Invasion of the Earthmen by Vitor Rodrigues

Vitor Rodrigues.

I am thoroughly enjoying formatting Vitor Rodrigues' book entitled "Invasion of the Earthmen" due to be published by the Inner Vision Press imprint in early 2014. Vitor's mind expanding sci-fi romance is so well written it is easy to work with, especially since it was originally written in Portuguese (A Invasao dos Terrestres) and translated into English. Vitor is an author, lecturer and therapist, and is skilled in the field of transformational/transcendental psychology.

The formatting template is complete, now I just need to go through the text and check the spelling and grammar for errors, add copyrights and ISBN, headers and footers, and the contents page, then I can begin working on the cover design. I am looking forward to reading and publishing every word.

Invasion of the Earthmen will be published in paperback and ebook formats and will be available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Waterstones, WHSmith, Blackwells and in most good book shops this spring and a Facebook page coming soon.

Click image to enlarge.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Revised Cover Design - Crossroads: Inside Callisto

The new cover design for Matt DeGennaro's book will be available on all future printed books soon. If you are lucky enough to be one of those who purchased a copy with the draft cover design, you are now the proud owner of a collectors special edition of "Crossroads: Inside Callisto". See the final design below. Copies with the new design can be ordered on Amazon and through most good book retailers : )

Click to Enlarge

Click here to buy your copy of Crossroads: Inside Callisto

Published by Inner Vision Press, September 2012.

Thursday, 18 July 2013

SpiritLight Radio Interview with Matt DeGennaro

The wonderful podcast recording of Matt DeGennaro's guest interview on SpiritLight radio. Matt is the author of "Crossroads: Inside Callisto" which is available through most good book stores. Matt comes on after the meditation at around the 17:00 minute mark... listen in and share his experience :-)

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Healing Through Enlightenment - WORKSHOP - May 7th 2013

Buddha said, "To reach enlightenment:
Desire nothing, Resist nothing, but Receive Everything"

I am facilitating a workshop at The Languard Manor in Shanklin on the Isle of Wight at 7:00pm to 10:00pm on May 7th 2013 entitled, "Healing Through Enlightenment". The workshop will be about healing, correcting our mistakes, building confidence and aligning our mind with Spirit (God's Thoughts) to reach the conscious state of enlightenment we call Vision. Peace, Happiness, Love and Abundance will be the Goals for the workshop and the end result will inevitably be ENLIGHTENMENT.

There will also be an opportunity to share your feelings, ask questions, view the manuscript (to be published soon) for my new book "A Cause for Miracles" or just come along and listen. Tea and coffee provided during the break.

If you would like to join please send me a message or you can email...


...or alternatively check out the Inner Vision website on the link below.

My book "Enlightenment for Beginners" on Amazon

The Inner Vision website

I look forward to seeing you soon  :) 

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

NEW BOOK by Emily Peach "It's All About You: How To Use Numerology To Make Sense Of Your Life."

Inner Vision Press are very proud to announce the forthcoming publication of Emily Peach's new book entitled, "It's All About You: How To Use Numerology To Make Sense Of Your Life."

Emily Peach is a renowned author and business coach and lives in France with her husband and a Maine Coon cat called 'Poppy'. This is what Emily has to say about the launch her most recent book :-

 "Numerology is something I have always wanted to talk about - so numerology is what I've been writing about, on and off, for the last two years. 'It's All About You - How to use Numerology to Make Sense of Your Life' feels special to me - and not just because I've had a lot of fun writing it. I believe that learning to use numbers in this new way can help people to know and understand themselves better, get some insight as to how to improve their present lives and future prospects, and recognise that they have a specific purpose in life and lessons to learn from the things that do, and do not, happen to them. "All About You" will be published by Inner Vision Press later this year - and with any luck a lot of people will learn to love numbers as much as I do, and learn as much from them as I have."

Emily Peach.

Check out Emily's awesome new page at Author Central. Emily is author of the books: The Tarot Workbook, Understanding and Using Tarot, Tarot Prediction and Things That Go Bump in the Night (also available on Amazon).

"It's All About You: How to Use Numerology to Make Sense of Your Life" is to be published by Inner Vision Press this summer. Get your request in now for a signed copy :)
Emily is also on Facebook and Twitter.


Thursday, 21 February 2013

Inner Vision Press are pleased to announce that the new website address and URL for the Inner Vision Press blog will be

on a yearly renewable basis courtesy of domain host "GoDaddy".

All blog readers will still be able to see the blog at and the domain will be going live hopefully within the next 24 hours. Check back here regularly for updates and the latest developments at Inner Vision Press.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Editing - Crossroads: Inside Callisto

First Revision
Limited Edition

I am editing Matt Degennaro's novel, Crossroads: Inside Callisto for typos and grammatical errors picked up recently on a certain review on Amazon. The revised book block will be uploaded within the next few weeks and all subsequent print-on-demand books will bear the revised text.

 "This is the kind of pedantic up with which
I will not put!"

Winston Churchill.

There are very few typos to be honest, as we already went through this prior to publishing, and a lot of what might be considered "grammatical errors" are actually associated with the dialogue and meaningfully express the New Jersey dialect and satire in which the book is written. I think if you got stopped at the English-up of every little conversation-put in this book, then you probably missed the point of the book, which is of course - enlightenment - DeGennaro style!

On a positive note, if you already purchased a copy prior to revising, you are now the proud owner of a collectors 'limited edition' copy of Crossroads: Inside Callisto and some of you may even own a signed copy. If you find yourself standing at the Crossroads in life, it is not too late! You can still purchase a copy of Crossroads - typos and all - for a limited time only (click the image).

The revised edition, will of course, be seamlessly integrated into the greater scheme of things and become available as it filters through the distribution channels....

Matt Blythe
Publisher, Inner Vision Press

Check out the official Crossroads website here.